How to Identify Common Furnace Repair Problems

Your furnace helps you stay warm in the winter and cool during the summer. But, like any other home system, it can break down and need repair from time to time. When you’re faced with a problem, it’s important to be able to identify the cause so you can get it fixed quickly and efficiently.

The first thing you should check is your thermostat. If your thermostat isn’t reading temperatures accurately, your furnace may not be working as efficiently as it should. If you’re using an old thermostat, consider replacing it with a newer model to help save money on energy bills and ensure optimal comfort in your home.

Air Filter

An air filter is essential to your furnace’s performance, so it should be cleaned or replaced regularly. It prevents dust, debris and other particles from entering your furnace’s blower motor and restricting air flow. If you’re not sure what type of filter your furnace uses, ask an HVAC technician to recommend a good quality model.

Drain Pan

All heating systems use a drain pan to dispose of water that Furnace Repair collects during operation. If the pan is full or clogged with debris, it can trigger safety switches in your furnace’s system and cause your ignitor to shut off.

If you’re not sure how to clear a clogged drain pan, contact a professional service provider or the manufacturer of your system. They’ll have the expertise to find the underlying issue and fix it for you.

Gas Supply

If your furnace is running on gas, it’s also important to make sure your main gas valve is working properly. This is because a gas leak can shut down your furnace and cause a serious fire if you’re not careful. It’s best to call a plumber or local gas supplier immediately to address the issue and avoid danger.

Ignitor No Light

If you have an older furnace, you might notice that your flame ignitor won’t ignite, or it might flicker or dim instead of glow orange. This can be caused by a variety of factors, such as a dirty burner or a faulty ignitor.

Another reason your ignitor might not be igniting is if it’s getting a signal from the circuit board. This can be caused by a dirty or broken ignitor, or it can simply mean that the board isn’t getting the proper signal to start.

A furnace’s ignition is an important part of its operation, so it should always be working properly. If it’s not, it can lead to inefficiency, higher energy bills and potentially a serious fire.

Your furnace’s heat exchanger transfers the energy from the burning gas to your ductwork and into your home. If this part of your furnace is not functioning correctly, it can make it harder for the ductwork to keep your home at a steady temperature.

Ducts Need a Cleaning

Your heating ducts are designed to distribute the warmth generated by your furnace throughout your home, but over time, they can become obstructed with dirt and other debris. This can decrease the amount of warm air that your furnace sends into your home and reduce your overall comfort.

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